My 30 Day Writing Challenge – Finishing Post 💃

30 days. 30 posts. One blog post a day as an answer to the challenge given. 

And it was a refreshing experience. New. And enjoyable. And fun. 

I got to explore aspects of me which I wouldn’t have otherwise, I got around to develop patience, enough, to complete a challenge, each day, for 30 days. 

In short, I absolutely loved doing this challenge and I’m sure whoever was part of it with me, during this journey, had fun too. I’d like to thank all my fellow bloggers for their constant encouragement and love. 

So until I find something equally, if not more exciting, Adios, Amigos!

P.S. Start reading my 30 day writing challenge

Day 30 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

My highs and lows for the month.

Since December has only just begun, I haven’t figured out yet as to what will be my highs and lows. 

But I’m planning a few things to accomplish by the end of this month – so I’m hoping they will be my highs.

Which are.

  1. Finish my manuscripts and start hunting for publishers or self publish them.
  2. Begin a bullet journal, organise my day better.
  3. Begin a monthly expenditure journal. Keep track of my expenses.
  4. Buy off the entire set of books on my wish list and read them all. I’ve been eyeing them for so many months now, waiting for the prices to drop.
  5. Bake cakes, brownies.Learn proper cooking using my brand new convection.
  6. Finish atleast the few of the DIYs I’ve been learning.
  7. Start practising Gujarati.

As for the lows, they somehow find ways to reach me and pull me down no matter how happy I am. I so wish all the stress I’ve been facing since the past 3 months ebbs away or I find ways to get rid of it ASAP. I don’t think I would want to deal with it anymore.

P.S. This is Day 30 of my 30 day writing challenge

Day 29 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

My goals for the next 30 days.

  1. Finish the manuscripts I am working on. 
  2. Learn to use the convection properly.
  3. Learn to bake.
  4. Learn and Practise – Gujarati and Punjabi.
  5. Begin a routine – to put on weight. Exercise more. Eat more.
  6. Cut down the time spent on the web. Put the phone and the laptop away.
  7. Discover more prospects that could become a career choice.
  8. Read more. Write even more.
  9. Begin to maintain a monthly expenditure journal.
  10. Begin a bullet journal to keep track and accommodate more activity into each day.
  11. Learn to talk less and feel less restless.
  12. Begin to spend more time for myself. Focus on keeping myself happy.

P.S. This is Day 29 of my 30 day writing challenge

Day 28 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

5 things that make me laugh out loud.

  1. My own stupidity. And dumbness. And idiocy. Every single time.
  2. My awkward memories and embarrassing moments of the past. 
  3. Any ludicrous statement made by people to flatter me for any reason – which in reality ain’t the truth. This happens extremely rarely, so I’ve begun to enjoy the flattery now.
  4. My clumsiness. It amuses me to no end. And puts me to shame a lot of times too.
  5. When I’m actually terrified of something so much that my brain stops working, I become a Gilderoy Lockhart who’s lost her memory and begin laughing out hysterically and loud.

    P.S. This is Day 28 of my 30 day writing challenge

    Day 27 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

    Something that’s kicking ass right now.

    Oh how I wish I have something really impressive to tell you, how I really wish something is really kicking ass right now in my life. But the truth is, nothing is.

    Given the opportunity, I’d like my life to be happening, exciting and promising. I’d like loads of good opportunities and good moments. I’d like to live each day to the fullest, and look forward to the next day with eagerness and happiness. 
    I truly wish this post would bring me the opportunities, the excitement, the adventure, the good luck and the success I yearn for. 

    P.S. This is Day 27 of my 30 day writing challenge

    Day 26 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

    An area in my life I’d like to improve.

    This one is going to be a bit of a negative post, given the fact that my life right now is pretty drab, dull and boring. There’s a routine I have to follow and I do nothing beyond that. There is no excitement, no adventure, no exhilaration. Nothing at all. Nil. Nada. My health is at an all time low, and the little I earn I spend on books, because, hey, I need something to keep me going and what better than books to keep me company and offer solace. 

    Long story short, I wouldn’t possibly be able to single out an area in my life to improve, because, each of them is equally incompetent, and I’d like to improve them all. 

    P.S. This is Day 26 of my 30 day writing challenge


    The wit, the wisdom,

    The independence, the freedom,

    The choices, the option to choose,

    The perks of the weekends, the inevitable Monday blues,

    The memories, the moments,

    The times we had bees in our bonnets,

    Cherish them all, in good measure,

    For they are our sunshine, our true treasure!

    P.S. This is my response to today’s daily prompt

    Day 25 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

    So today’s challenge is to think of a word and search it on Google images and to write something inspired by the 11th image.

    My word was “Joy” and this is the 11th image.

    The moment I saw the picture, all I could think of, was exhilaration. Euphoria. The mad, unkempt, unbound joy. The kind of joy that would make you jump out and squeal. The kind of joy that would make you dance, swing and sing. The kind of joy that knows no limits. The kind of joy that brings cheer and happiness and sunshine. The kind of joy that is colourful like a rainbow. The kind of joy that makes you grin and guffaw loud. The kind of joy that makes you smile and shine bright.

    P.S. This is Day 25 of my 30 day writing challenge

    Day 24 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

    A lesson that I’ve learnt the hard way.

    To never do something that doesn’t make me happy. I’m still recuperating from the side effects of doing that. And I’ve received some really hard blows because of doing stuff I disliked and was against my principles, but I did it because I didn’t want to be left out. The day before yesterday, I ended up doing something similar and am regretting my decision badly. For someone who is as serious and rigid as me, this is bad. I hope I set things right before I incur much damage to myself. And I hope I never bite the bait again. I vow to only stand by what sounds right to me and works for me, no matter what the consequences. 

    P.S. This is Day 24 of my 30 day writing challenge


    Day 23 – 30 Day Writing Challenge 💃

    Today’s challenge is to write a letter to someone, anyone.

    Here’s a letter I’m writing to my future self, that’ll probably help me become a better person.

    Hey Anna!

    How are you doing? It’s been long since we had an honest conversation, but I’m sure you’ll still be going through the same stuff in your restless mind as you were a few years ago. I sound mean, I know, but I only wish you well. So etch permanently in your mind what I’m going to be telling you now through this letter.

    1. Mind your own business. You’ve a lot of things on your plate already, so don’t go around playing the nice person, asking for more.
    2. Do what you feel comfortable doing. Be it your job or your hobby or socialising, let it be of your choice. Don’t do it because others think it’s right. Do it because it is your choice.
    3. Don’t go out of your way to help someone who won’t appreciate your efforts, or to prove yourself to someone to who you don’t even matter. 
    4. Learn to value yourself for whatever you are, even if you think you are a bag of filth ( which you evidently are not).
    5. Stop blaming yourself for every thing wrong. You aren’t that important.
    6. Speak only when you are required to. Not always, not everywhere. And listen to your instincts always. No matter how feeble they feel. Your instincts are almost always right.
    7. Know who your real friends are. Numbers don’t matter. The one or two who’ll wholly stand by your side without questions is who you’ll need to stick on to, and value.
    8. Stop wasting time on relationships that bring you misery and worry and pain and self doubt. They are the reason you are exhausted at the end of the day. Fill your life with people who bring in sunshine and warmth and happiness, and try being the same to someone too.
    9. Never compromise on your principles for anyone. Stick on to what you think is right. Take a stand and stand by it. No matter what. People who know you, understand you and value your presence will love you for who you are.
    10. Forgive yourself. Pull yourself together and make up for all your regret by becoming better each living moment, learning from your past.
    11. Don’t think too much all the time. All the white hair you got on your head at a young age of 23 is the result of all the negativity that you keep surrounding yourself with. Stop it. Focus on something real and positive. (Real is the key)
    12. Regret is poison. If you’ve done something you are regretting about, understand there’s no way you can go and change it. So, stop wasting time and try and set it right. And remember to NEVER repeat it. Know where to draw the line, know when to resist the temptation and when to sink your teeth into it.

    That’s about it, for now.  Kudos to whatever good you’ve done until now, but don’t stop and gloat. March forward. 


    Anna 💝

    Dated : 6 – December – 2016 

    P.S. This is Day 23 of my 30 day writing challenge