Satiating Saturdays – Challenge Yourself ✨

The one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but have backed out all the time because you didn’t have the courage to take the plunge.
The number of times you have wanted to go out there and prove yourself to the world, but ducked out in the last moment.

And every single time you’ve let fear come in your way.

Go back in time and think. Think about how you’ve let your fear outdo your strengths.

Fear is such an overrated emotion. Don’t give it the attention you think it deserves. It is exactly because of that we end up losing on so many opportunities we could have used to make our way up the ladder. To prove a point (in the easiest way possible). To flap our wings and fly high.

Fear isn’t worth losing your identity, your sanity over. 

So be the someone who decided to just go for it. Be the someone you’ll want to idolise. Be the someone you’d look up to for help, when you are helpless. Be the someone who you think would be your inspiration. 

Challenge yourself each moment. Do exactly what you’re scared of. Live the fear. Get rid of it. Show it that it ain’t a big deal at all. Because, life isn’t about mulling over spilt milk. It is about living in the moment. And relishing each moment without holding yourself back.

Go for it, now✨

Satiating Saturdays – Prioritize ✨

More often than not, we find we have a lot more in our bucket than we can actually handle
More often than not, we tend to forget what we had intended to do and find ourselves sulking in some dark corner of the house.
More often than not, we end up saying ‘yes’ to everything and everyone we meet.

Without planning, without knowing if we’d be able to make it.

And find ourselves in a mess, disoriented, disintegrated – an indication that it is high time we begin to prioritize.

So here’s what I suggest.

  1. Make a list, physically on a piece of paper ( it really works, trust me on this), day-to-day/ weekly/bi-weekly/monthly – based on how occupied your calendar is/how busy you are. 
  2. Enlist everything in your bucket on the list. Everything. From the tiniest of your commitments to the most important ones.  
  3. Once done, begin sorting your line up. Figure out what’s important for you, not your neighbour, your peer, the rest of the world. Figure out what would make your life better, figure out what would add bring a ray of sunshine into your life. And begin completing them in that order of hierarchy.
  4. Carry the list with you. Wherever you go.
  5. Try accommodating tasks that can be done together. (Like solving that crossword on your way to work :p). Don’t force it though if they can’t be done together, you’ll end up messing all of them.
  6. Cross them all once done. For clarity. Or to just clear that heavily crowded space in your head, and to give you the satisfaction of accomplishing what you intended to.

Try giving it a shot. I bet you my binoculars, the satisfaction you’d derive seeing the crossed tasks on the list is incomparable, immeasurable. What’s more, you’d begin to feel more sorted, organised, less guilty and more productive. And that’s how we’d like to be, don’t we?

One, Two, Three…

I’m no good at anything, but Poetry is my favourite thing to do whenever I feel like writing.

So here are 3 tercets. 

1. Life

Learn to follow your heart,

You’ll never fall apart,

That’s how you become smart!

2. Perfection

Give your best,

Never retire or rest,

That’s how you pass the test!

3. Passion

You are what you want to be,

Pursue your passion for thee,

That’s how you find your happiness, your glee!

P.S. This is my response to the discover challenge – one, two, three